Friday, August 27, 2004

(*) The Goons - bless 'em!

This mornings' episode of The Goons was...
The Man Who Never Was

"This is the BBC..."
Here is an impression of a British emissary...
Captain Neddy Seagoon at the House of Lords' Yacht Club at Southend...
What's that you're reading? A fly paper...
A pair of uncooked German army boots... trying them on for size, they were too tight, because in each one was a pair of human feet... Eccles...
March in that suspected German spy, will you...? Permission to speak, hairy major... Does your wife know this...? Nein children in 2 years? You braggart, sir! March this scoundrel back... I demand political asylum! Send him to the House of Commons... it's the finest political asylum I know!
And this is where the story really starts...
Plan B? Submarine to Belfast, and a fast plane to South America... Cnl Bentine... he got away with it!
Bloodnok, put the gold back in my tooth... 'send in a messenger with a voice like thunder!'
We can't afford failures! Rubbish! You've been paying me for years...
Advance and be shot at, mate...  they're old bullet holes... I know, they're old bullets.
Allo's! Kippers halt! Silence! Listen! (ie, Milligan being mad! pmsl!)
And this is where the story really starts...
The sound of British workmen at top pressure...................................
He's going to say, How do you do, Henry! I've got the vapours. Then we read the sinful Sunday papers. Stop that sinful lower gyrating of the lower torso type dancing...
I have here in this box an idiot especially drowned for the job... meet the man who never was... "aallo!" This man is damp! Shut up, Eccles!
This man is completely s-t-u-p-i-d...  it's a good thing for you that I can't spell. "Young and foolish..."
Rhubarb rhubarb... the mysterious secret German weapon... the V3... oh dear, Charlie's here.
I shall be turning the handle 5 seconds from now... Gentlemen: Plan B!!!

That was the Goon Show...

Even at 5.30am on a Friday morning on ABC Radio National 96.7FM, I can still laugh, giggle, smirk, and pmsl. They were all quite mad when they did this stuff, you realise that, don't you?!? - and I love it! I later realised why this episode was so fresh in my memory... I already had it on a tape I bought 2nd hand a few years' ago! lol.

Mal  :o)
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